неділю, 18 вересня 2011 р.

Ethnic festival Art-Pole (Unizh, 2011) - day 3 - Ivano-Frankivsk

Well, the last day of the festival was the day we've spent in Ivano-Frankivsk. We were leaving on an evening train, so had lots of time to walk aroung the city.
Ivano-Frankivsk is the city in Western Ukraine, named after famous Ukrainian poet and writer Ivan Franko. It's very beautiful and charming, with narrow streets, flowers on the balconies and lots of beautiful metal statues - I was charmed by them. See for yourself)

Останній день фестивалю ми провели в Івано-Франківську. Наш поїзд буд ввечері, тож ми мали час погуляти містом.
Івано-Фракнцівськ - місто у Західній Украхні, назване на честь відомого українського поета та прозаїка Івана Франка. Це дуже гарне та чарівне містечко, із безліччю вузеньких вуличок, квітами на балконах та прекрасними кованими статуями, що просто причарували мене. Самі подивіться:)

In the park

Lots of coffee shops

Us, walking))

Me behind the water))

I've walked around thew corner and stoped. This church, even while being repaired, was so light and beautiful that I had to stop and stare for a few minutes.
While my friends went swiming, I went for a walk, cheched out some bookstores and sit in a coffee shop near the fountaine to enjoy some americano and my new book (The Third Tale by Diana Setterfield).

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