суботу, 12 лютого 2011 р.

Who is Mimi?

I'm back to working full time just for 4 days now and I'm already puzzled by my new work place.
Well, we usually celebrate Women Day on March 8, and something like Men Day (though it's more like a Military Men Day, but no one cares) on February 23.
And in advertising company I work for there's a tradition - some kind of a costume party on this days, and not just after work, but during the whole work day. A great idea, yes. But...
Last year on February 23 all the women were dressed as flight attendants (why wasn't I working here last year?!)). But this year the theme is... well, we're all going to be show girl from Pirates of the Carribean/Wild Wild West era. So on February 23 I have to wear a corset and a skirt and all the guys are gonna get sailor shirts as soon as they are gonna come into office that morning.


I've never worked with such young and creative group of people, so it's a little odd for me. I worked in a very conservative office environment for 4 years and two years in the concert management company (which wasn't conservative at all), but I've never experienced anything like this.
I like to dress up (and I've already ordered myself a corset and talked Sasha into sewing me a skirt), but to have a costume party in the office for the WHOLE day - it's gonna be a totally new experience.
Can I be some kind of Lily or Mimi? I'd love too (but office - still weird).
Does any one had such an experience on their places of work?

1 коментар:

  1. Oh, my. I don't know if most US workplaces - at least, US office environments -- would succeed in encouraging women employees to dress up in corsets and fishnets for a costume day!

    Many workplaces do permit and even encourage costume days, especially around Hallowe'en, but the costumes are typically supposed to be pretty modest.
