As you already know, I'm writing these posts on the daily basis, but I post them with a bit of a delay, as I still have no internet at home (I don't even want to think about it, but I'm afraid I will have to search for another apartment, if this issue will not be resolved). So yes, when you see words "today" or "yesterday", consider the date on top of the post.
Today is the big day - finally the three months long preparation will result in a project, that were all are so excited for. I'm actually writing an article about this whole project and experience, so I don't want to repeat myself, but I still want to dedicate a post to Human Library, as I believe it can be very interesting.
Human Library is the methodology created to brake stereotypes and prejudices in communities. Basically it's an event, that functions as a normal library - you get a library card, a librarian, that can help you and a catalog of books you can chose from. But the interesting part begins when you chose your book. Because you get a live human book - a person, that can tell you his or her story.
But not just every person. The idea is to represent the groups that can be discriminated against or judged, or be sort of a puzzle for some people.
We started working on this project back in the middle of June, so it was the work of almost 3,5 month. It was quite tricky to find the "books" and also the volunteers that would love to take up on the roles of librarians and dictionaries (people who "translate the books" that don't speak the language of the community - in our case Italian). But we managed and today at 15-00 out Human Library will start it's work.
I have many hopes for today - for everything to go week, for many people to come and read out books, for it not to rain. And the most important one - for it to be useful and to help at least one person to get a new perspective on things.
So fingers crossed! See you!
P.S. - it all went wonderfully, apart from one thing - it did rain)
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