I feel a little bit stupid trying to make any outfit posts when you've already seen every piece of clothing I own right now. But still I'm going to try.
A month ago Thailand celebrated Thai New Year. And it was unbelievable. If you've never been here during Songkran, you've missed a lot of fun (and water). Celebrations usually take 5 days, and during this time you better watch out - you can't make two steps out of your appartment without getting soaking wet. People will chase you with water guns and buckets full of (sometimes icy) water and trust me - you don't want to be wearing anything nice and expensive.
Chiang Mai old city is countored by a huge moat, so it's the place you want to avoid, if you don't want to get wet. Or a place you definitely need to visit, if you want to have fun, meet new people, shot them with your water gun and drink few cold Singhas.
So here are few pictures of Songkran celebrations in Chiang Mai - on it's calmer and crazier days.
One of the first days of Songkran - the city and all of the temples are nicely decorated with flags and ribbons. This is me on the Sunday walking street market, wearing:
Skirt - thrifted
Tank top - bought at the Sunday market (3 tank tops of a great quality for 100 baht - a little bit more then a dollar per one tank top)
Shoes - bought at Sunday market (super comfy, I'm on my second pair now. I think they cost about 2 dollars)
Bag - thrifted, made in India
Bracelet - gift, my friend brought it back from Thailand (who knew!)
Sunglasses - Karen Walker Number One (in tortoise)

In the beginning of all the craziness, wearing:
Aladdin pants - Sunday market
T-shirt - Topshop
Shoes (not visible) - Sunday market
Bag - thrifted, made in India
Sunglasses - ebay

The third day of Songkran, Laura and I are enjoying water fighting in Rock-n-Roll bar on Kotchasarn road. I was wearing black tank top from the first picture, navy shorts, rubber flip flops and was carrying only a waterproofed wallet.
The holiday is very interesting and brings lots of fun, but by the forth day you find yourself sitting in your room, watching re-runs of 'Law and Order' and listening to screams from the street, where people keep pouring icy water on each other. At that time you start wishing for holidays to finally be over, so you can get a nice meal and buy some fruit from your local market, preferably wearing dry clothes.
Are you living there now???
I see you enjoy living in Thailand! I hope meets your expectation! Thank you for corresponding from here!
ВідповістиВидалитиThailand looks like so much fun! I would love to visit someday!