пʼятниця, 23 вересня 2016 р.

#45daysofblogging 30: Madame Butterfly

Day 30 - September 16

Going to opera is great, but going to see someone you know in the opera you like is... Well, it's better than great!


As I mentioned in my post about going up the Cattedrale, Teatro Massimo is one of the biggest attractions of Palermo. Not just because it's the biggest opera theater in Italy and the third biggest in Europe, but also because the last scenes of one of Godfather movies was shot here. 


Despite the fact that I live in Palermo for about two years now, I've only been inside Teatro Massimo three times - once for the inauguration of the new university year, and twice to see opera performances. 


But last was very-very special to me, as this season started with Madame Butterfly, and one of my very close friends, Anna, is an extra in every performance they are making. So I didn't only get a chance to enjoy the opera (I saw many operas in my lifetime, for us in Ukraine it's actually a very normal thing to do once in a while - with friends, as a date, etc. - but I've never seen a full Madame Butterfly performance), but also to see my friend in a beautiful kimono, having a great experience and enjoying herself.


So everything was great - a chance to stop working and studying for a bit and dress up, the beautiful theater, the opera itself, the possibility to see my lovely Anna as a geisha and take some photos for her. Just everything! 

I enjoyed the evening so much, it really deserved a blog post being dedicated to it. Also tonight I'm going to see Madame Butterfly again, as they are showing the premiere outside of the theater on the big screen. So my life is filled with beauty and music lately, hahaha.

See you, people!

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