Hello, people!
I've been absent for quite a bit - due to travelling, dissertation writing, intense weeks full of seminars, and then some much-needed distraction because I really wasn't in the mood to see my laptop after submitting my first chapter.
But I'm back now! And not only I have a great content for you, but also some exciting news to share in a few weeks.
Today I'm taking you to Palermo Pride 2017.
Since I moved to Palermo, Pride has become not only my tradition but also one of the things I absolutely look forward to every summer. I go into it a little bit more in my video, so definitely check it out (and subscribe if you like my content!)
I support equality for everyone, that's why for me it's a big deal. I work in the social field, I volunteer since I was 16, I'm writing my PhD in human rights so I would've been a complete fraud if I wasn't supporting Pride.
I love that here, in Palermo, everyone is celebrating together. I love that I always meet so many great people there. I love that together we are not only having fun but also making a statement.
I love that a Pride is possible here - in this form and with this level of freedom. In Kyiv we had a total of 4 Prides or Equality marches till this point:
- in 2014 there were two times more police than the participants;
- in 2015 a horrible attack from the part of far-right assholes happened, many people were beaten and one policeman almost died;
- in 2016 and 2017, when the threats from the far-right became completely unacceptable, they actually acted out as a promotion - many people who never thought about LGBTQI+ rights as rights finally saw that if you are quietly observing discrimination and oppression without even trying to do anything, you are working with oppressors.
If this doesn't prove that hatred and narrow-mindedness are atavisms, I don't know what does.

So here we are. Let me know what you think)
*All the photos are made by me. On the last two of them, you can see my wonderful friends who also came to support freedom and equality.
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